Part Three
What type of person do you want to be:
I want to be a chill person. Why chill? Because chill people are unproblematic. It is my dream to be a nurse in Hawaii (like my mama). Where the scent of hibiscus flowers flows through the wind, ocean waves crash over and over, and the sun warms my skin. Hawaii is my peaceful place and I can be my "chillest" self there. I once did goat yoga in Hawaii. I remember doing downward dog when I suddenly felt four hard hooves digging into my back. Truly, a great experience. Sherley Hall is not chill but some of the people are. I want to be surrounded by a community of people who are chill, loving, and adventurous.
Who has power in your community?
The RAs or dorm hall directors have the power in Sherley. There are rules we have to follow that I probably wouldn't follow if I was in complete charge of myself and didn't have to listen to that higher power.
My Character:
I am a social introvert who is strong-willed and sometimes stubborn. I am passionate about the things I love
Who might be left out of your community?
Black, transgender, introverted, and gender fluid people. Maybe people with disabilities too.
It's not that they are being intentionally left out, it's that there is little to no representation of these people at TCU since it's a predominantly white institution with minority groups in the black, asian, queer, and disabled communities.
Peer Response
Small Group:
Maybe have some parts of the poem rhyme, although it doesn't have to
Ask a question in the poem
How do you plan on getting your message across?
Maybe add an explanation of the poem so others can understand.
Poem Breakdown
I originally didn't think that I wanted to write a poem because I thought there was a better way to get my message across. But some of the words that I used in the poem are often on repeat in my head so I thought what better way to get them out of my head than to write them down. So I did, and I turned the hateful words that were said to me into a poem. These words made me silent. I still do feel silent but what I want for the future is to not have to feel this way just because of my sexuality. What I want the world to know, is that just because you feel silenced now, doesn't mean you always will be. (In case you're still confused with what I am writing about, let me make it clear. I am writing about being a part of the LGBTQ community and how I am silenced in one way or another because of it).
Mentor Response
From Mat:
What do you want for your future?
Add an influence or influences to your writing
In what ways is your writing functioning?
A campaign is an organized course of action to achieve a goal.. How do you want to organize your course of action?
Don't lose track of your own voice
Journal Article Notes
Objective: This study examined the prevalence of mental health disorders and their clinical correlates in a university sample of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer (LGBQ) students.
Results: LGBQ students reported worse depressive symptoms, higher levels of perceived stress, considered themselves less attractive, and were more likely to be overweight.
Why are queer students more depressed?
- "...may be related to the social stigma, discrimination, and adverse childhood experience faced by LGBQ individuals (Andersen JP,1)."
Grant, Jon E, et al. "Mental Health and Clinical Correlates in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Queer Young Adults." Journal of American College Health, vol. 62, Issue 1, January 2014, pp. 1-4.